Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Olá Amigos! Tem bastante tempo que não escrevo por aqui...resolvi dar uma "cara nova" pro layout do blog e expor as marcas dos meus apoios pra essa temporada 2010 que pra mim começa no próxima dia 14 de Março. Como hoje tenho técnica, equipe, apoios e acima de tudo muitos amigos nos Estados Unidos, que sempre me cobram "notícias" e updates dos treinos e competições, também farei um post em inglês sempre abaixo do post em português. Treinar no verão carioca mais quente dos últimos 50 anos não tem sido nada fácil! Estes últimos dias tem sido "corridos" e "curtos" em função dos detalhes de mais uma viagem. Em breve posto com mais notícias...abraço!!!

Hello Everybody! It has been a long time i don't post anything here...i decided to make a new layout for my blog and it is finally ready! My 2010 season starts next March 14th and i am proudly supported by companies who belive in my potential and are helping me to go to big races and focus on my everyday training. I would like to say a special THANK YOU to Champion System crew (Ashley Bell, Scott, Charlie, Louis Shi and Wilson Ng) for this incredible chance to race and train in hi-tech apparel, to John from K-Swiss Usa, to Charlene from Cerasport, to Caue from Suplicy Bikes, to all my friends in Simi Valley who were so helpful and friendly with me in my last team camp, specially the Resnicks, who made me "feel at home" and without their help would be hard go to train in California. To my amazing coach Siri Lindley, the most positive person i've ever met and with the most incredible "skills" to deal with athlete's body. mind and soul! To all my great teamates: more than fantastic athletes you all are fantastic persons!

Last days have been pretty busy taking care of all details of my trip to the first race of the year. It has been hard to train in the hottest summer in 50 years in Rio de Janeiro but i am pretty optimistic for the race...soon i will be posting again with more updates! See you!